Rates 2024:
Self-catering Valid until 31 December 2024 (incl vat)
Per Adult per night R560.00
Per Child U16yrs per night R300.00
Per Child U3yrs per night No Charge
Minimum daily rate R6160.00 (covers up to 11 people)
Daily Tariffs Include:
Fully serviced self-catering accommodation
Bedding and bath towels
Housekeeping services are provided daily in the morning, which includes cleaning, dishwashing, bed-making, and pool maintenance.
Daily Tariffs Exclude:
Food and beverages
Activities and any additional extras
Check-In and Check-Out:
Check-in time: 12:00 PM
Check-out time: 10:00 AM
Two bundles are provided free of charge per day.
Additional wood can be purchased at R25 per bundle.
Guests are allowed to bring their own wood if they prefer.
Own Boats:
Guests may bring their own boats.
Boats should be launched from the Mpalane Bay, dependent on water levels.
General Information and Rules:
Settlement of the account is required at the Nkwazi Lake Lodge or the Reserve main office upon departure.
Daily tariffs are to be paid according to the days booked.
Accepted credit cards: Mastercard and Visa only.
Mobile reception available for MTN, Vodacom, and Cell C networks.
The lodge falls within a low-risk malaria area (Pongola Game Reserve).
Please report any defects as soon as possible for prompt resolution.
The speed limit within the reserve is 30 km/h.
Guests are not allowed to harass the animals.
Removal of plants or firewood from the reserve is strictly prohibited.
Littering is not permitted on the reserve.
Air rifles, catapults, motorcycles, and pets are not allowed on the reserve.